Amazing Facts about Bhutan in urdu - Bhutan shoking and amazing Facts By Urdu Talk Show

1. Vote Based System

Bhutan is a vote based system and established government. The Bhutanese government was established in 1907. It held its first majority rule races in 2008.

2. Beginning of the name

Beginning of the name Bhutan might be gotten from the Sanskrit Bhotanta which signifies "the finish of Tibet," or the Sanskrit Bhu-attan, signifying "good countries."

3. Capital is Thimpu

Its capital is Thimpu with a populace of around 742,737 (2012). It is the main capital on the planet without activity lights. Truth be told when activity lights were introduced the general population questioned and the city returned to the utilization of white-gloved movement police.

4. Entrance to TV or Internet

Until the point that the 1960's it had no streets, vehicles, phone, postal framework or power. Bhutanese had no entrance to TV or Internet until the point when restricted access was allowed in 1999.

5. Gross National Happiness

You may have known about Gross National Happiness as a measure of advance supplanting the free enterprise Gross Domestic Product. Bhutan's previous King created the thought that his nation's riches ought to be measured by the joy of his kin in 1974 keeping in mind the end goal to supplant western utilization driven esteems by the most profound sense of being of a Buddhist society.

6. Carbon Sink

13. Bhutan is the world's just carbon sink, that is; it assimilates more CO2 than it gives out. It offers hydro-electrical power, making it the main nation whose biggest fare is sustainable power source. 72% of the nation is forested. Indeed, it's in the nation's constitution to keep 60% of its territory forested. Regard for the earth, the eco framework and all species is a genuine issue in Bhutan. Anybody discovered executing an imperiled species, faces the unforgiving sentence of life in jail.

7. Ground Business

 Agribusiness is its real industry with rice, foods grown from the ground business (yaks).

8. TV or Internet

Until the point that the 1960's it had no streets, autos, phone, postal framework or power. Bhutanese had no entrance to TV or Internet until the point that restricted access was allowed in 1999.

9. Official language

Dzongka is the official language.
10. Foreign Tourists

The first foreign tourists were allowed into Bhutan in 1974.

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