Russia Shoking and Amazing Facts in Urdu/Hindi. History of Russia By urdu talk show

1. World's Longest Railway 

The Trans-Siberian Railway traverses the distance over the region, making it the single longest railroad on the planet. The 9200 kilometer (or 5700 mile) railroad leaves in moscow (situated in European Russia) and crosses into Asia. It at that point advances toward the Pacific Ocean port of Vladivostok where it achieves the finish of its staggering trip. The whole excursion relentless will take you 152 hours and 27 minutes to finish.

2. Women vs. Men

There are roughly 10 million a bigger number of ladies in Russia than there are men. The lopsidedness was at first accepted to the aftereffect of such a significant number of men biting the dust amid World War II

3. World’s Largest McDonalds
In case you're an aficionado of the popular brilliant curves, Russia is the place to go. The nation is home to the biggest McDonalds eatery on the planet. With 700 seats. A bigger building, seating 1,500, was developed for the 2012 Olympics in London, England yet it was a transitory area and was camouflaged a month and a half after the entryways opened

4. Wedding band Tradition 

For some Russians, it is convention to wear your wedding band on your ring finger of your correct hand. Nations like Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Germany, Spain, Austria, India and Greece have a comparative convention of wearing the wedding band on the correct hand.

5. Biggest Country by Area 

Russia is the biggest nation on the planet by zone. It's aggregate territory is 17,075,400 square kilometers and it covers more than a ninth of the Earth's property range.

6. Sex Day

Every year on September twelfth, Russian laborers are given a three day weekend to have intercourse. The thought is that they will reproduce, and in the event that they have kids nine months after the fact, they are here and there given money prizes.

7. Bubble Baba challenge

One weird Russian occasion is the Bubble Baba challenge, wherein individuals ride sex dolls dow then Vuoska River rapids.

8. Oil Resource

Starting at 2012, Russia is second biggest maker of oil on the planet, creating a normal of 9,900,000 barrels of rough for every day. Saudi Arabia handled the best position with 10,900,000 barrels for every day, in any case, it is evaluated that the US will outperform both Russa and Saudi Arabia by 2020 to end up plainly the world's biggest oil maker (the US is as of now in third position).

9. Moscow's metro

Moscow's metro transports 7-9 million individuals per day. That is more than London and New York joined.

10. Russia sold Alaska

Russia sold Alaska to the United States. for $7.2 million back in 1867.



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